Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Acceptance -More on signs

Signs are everywhere. They present themselves when we least expect them, lighting the way, telling us something, giving us inspiration. When we are on the right track, signs validates us and encourages us. When we are open, signs support us and help us be more connected.

Today I received a gift from a dear friend and colleague of mine. I set it aside before opening it so I could get ready for a session. Most times, in preparation for a session, I pick a label to place on the glass of water I provide for the person I'm seeing. The label or labels I pick are based on what I intuitively perceive as needed at the moment, be it clarity, love, breakthrough, etc. For this specific session I picked Acceptance. No other label seemed to stand out but this one, so I trusted it was the one needed.

Acceptance goes many ways, acceptance of other people, acceptance of ourselves, and acceptance of the lessons life presents to us. I work with many women which main issue is accepting their womanhood, their power. Accepting our womanhood may go against what we are taught, what our beliefs are or our sense of protection and preservation.

It was not after all my sessions were done when I was able to open my present. I opened the box, and inside, wrapped in delicate purple paper I find a pouch with a small ivory sculpture of a woman, a form of the feminine spirit, called Acceptance!  The artist of this sculpture, Maya Hill, creates representations of womanhood with inspirational quotes to help us awaken femininity and guides us in our path of discovery. For this sculpture she wrote: We need the strength to hold our whole humanity together.

This remined me of Christine Northrup's words in an interview in the movie You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay:
"Whenever a woman gets healthier and happier, she heals the Earth. The woman’s body is a reflection of the Earth; and everything we do to take care of ourselves, to feel pleasure, to be joyous heals the entire planet"

Through this and other signs I recognize that Acceptance was not just for the people I was helping, it was for me too, for all of us, for humanity. Women have a significant role in helping and holding the world together and we need to recognize our value now more than ever.
I invite all women to explore and honor their divinity, to respect and love themselves deeply and continue exploring their power in womanhood.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nancy,

    It's Alison Johnson here. I just read this first blog and loved it. I'm at the breakfast table reading it to Terry and he asked, and what does the male energy contribute to the earth?


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