Monday, April 19, 2010


It seems like sometimes I can't get the right answer when I ask my soul what my next steps should be. 
At times it's because I'm not in alignment with my purpose, other times is because I'm not supposed to do anything, yet other times I'm way too scattered. That usually happens when I let stress rule my life, my brain feels scattered and none of the things that I want come to me easily. I can't think straight, therefore I go around in circles unable to manifest anything. But once I relax and refocus, then things seem to fall into place and the signs become very clear. 

It is easy to get distracted and forget that, in order to manifest what we want, we need to do some of the work too. I'm not saying that we always have to work sooo hard in order to accomplish anything. Things can come easily. What I'm saying is that we need to remember to look for signs to guide us, we need to keep our goal in our mind, we need to experience this goal as if it's happening now, and we need to be proactive.

Getting signs means that the Universe is leaving us constant clues everywhere to guide us in the right direction. At times we don't see them because we are continuously rushing, but they are there.They show in the simplest things, like coincidences, for example, different people talking about the same subject in different occasions, or something making you change directions unexpectedly.  

One time I was walking to the store when my little credit card wallet fell off. Among the many things I had in it, only two things fell from inside when it hit the ground; a credit card and one of my  business cards. I took a moment to think why this had happened and why those two things. Do I need to get rid of them? I had just printed my business card and the credit card was relatively new as well.  Later that week I received two news; one was a notice from the credit card company that they were not going to continue providing services, and two, my dissertation was approved and I need to do my oral defense. What were the signs telling me? "Get rid of the credit card cause you won't be needing it", and "update your business cards because your degree is complete." How cool is that? It's not that I would have been able to prevent anything, it was just informing me of future events because I was open.

And like that, may more signs appear into our lives, subtle, gentle ones for us to recognize and be aware of. Certain signs just inform us about the future, others help us solve mysteries, and some put the pieces together. 
When I'm focused, I can pay attention to the signs better and they guide me as to what my next steps should be. I either get emails from people I haven't spoken to in a while, or a workshop to attend that will benefit me, or a book that I need to read to gain more information about a particular subject.

Signs help us. They are like gentle messages from the angels helping our human life.
I have so much more to say about signs. I'll dedicate future blogs to explain better. 
In the meantime, see how signs are present in your life as well, even if you don't understand their meaning at the moment, just notice...

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big believer in signs. Sometimes couple of completely disjoint things happen together and get all linked somehow to lead to an event. I've experienced this many times. Or I bump into someone from the past a few days in a row like that person is trying to convey a message for me than I don't hear from them again after whatever they tell me.


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