A lot of people are feeling the financial hardship this economy is bringing us. For some, nothing has changed, for others, this cannot be a better time to invest, yet for most, this is a very difficult time. When our basic needs are not being met or we find ourselves under a lot of stress, especially financial, we lose focus of what's important. We walk around like zombies, with glassy eyes, tight stomach, scrambling, fearful, hearing but not listening, a millions thoughts racing in our mind, and simply not present. This pressure is more intense when other people depend on us.
And the worst part is that it doesn't seem like there is anything we can do to fix it or improve it. There is apparently nowhere to run to. We are driven by fear. Fear drives us to doubt ourselves, to experience lack of trust, to neglect or hurt our selves and our loved ones, to create more fear and stress, to create chaos and confusion, to live in the darkness.
What can the Universe be trying to teach us? Why are we going through this? Why all this fear?
My sense is that these obstacles are making us stronger. These situations are teaching us about the value of family, friendships, simplicity and community. We are forced to reach out for help, to count on one another, to share more, to build a conscious community. We are forced to simplify our lives and appreciate the little things that count, appreciate the things money can't buy. This economy is teaching us to believe in ourselves and rely on the love within.
For so long we've depended on material things or things outside ourselves to define us, to give us the appreciation we needed, the status, the honor, the love. We've experienced life through buying more and more things, filling up our garages with things we forgot we had. We've experience life without real joy because we had to work hard and had no time to stop and have fun. The Universe has given us such magnificent gifts -the sun, the sky, the ocean, the mountains, the seasons- and we are so busy building our material world that we don't take the time to enjoy what is right in front of our eyes. When was the last time we stopped to listen to the birds chirp in the morning, welcoming the new day? When was the last time we stopped to feel the energy of the earth beneath our naked feet?
I know many people who got laid off from their 9 to 5 jobs. They were devastated. They were not able to find comparable jobs that gave them the life style they were accustomed to. They were forced to look for alternatives and in their search, they found what they truly loved doing. They have simplified their lives, have accepted help from other people, and they are living life fully, enjoying the time they didn't have before because of their jobs. They are now doing things they've put aside or exploring their passions that were dormant inside themselves. They are exploring what is like to love themselves without judgement and to count on that love to keep them strong and positive.
Being forced to simplify, change, love, pursue our passions, and take time to enjoy life, is a gift this economy has brought for many. I know some are still resisting it, but with time they too will understand that things happen for a reason, and that an optimist always sees the glass half full and looks for opportunities in the midsts of chaos. I invite you to see the gift in your challenges and join me in appreciation and gratefulness for our gift of life.
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