Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things happen for a reason

There are times we find ourselves wanting certain things to happen, so we try time after time to get the results we want to the point of almost forcing them to happen. We have the illusion in our heads that we know how things should be and we keep trying to make them be that. When things don't go as planned we keep resisting and blame others, including God for it. We don't understand why these things are happening and why they are not going as we thought they should. We resist the flow and forget to see the lesson.

It takes a lot of patience and faith to let go and let the lessons and opportunities reveal themselves, since they don't show up right away.

When we release the need to control everything, we live in peace, we live in trust. That is not to say that we don't have free will to do as we please, but when we make a soul commitment to learn our life lessons, everything is arranged with that purpose in mind, including the obstacles in the way. It could be months or years later when we learn why it wasn't supposed to go a certain way or why certain things didn't happen. We notice and give thanks for those obstacles that "forced" us to go a different way. Things happen for a reason.

It's like an internal GPS, you input the address and no matter what route you take or what mode of transportation you use, it'll always point to that destination. Some routes are easier than others as some experiences are. In the end we need to trust that we are guided in the right direction and perhaps that detour on the road was there to help us gain better knowledge of the path ahead.


  1. Your articles always touch me. They always seem to pertain to exactly what is going on in my life at that time. Thank you for enlightening me!

  2. Love it. Or there might be times when one's internal coordinates (values, etc.) change and the internal GPS points to a new direction. There could be peace there, too!


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