Thursday, June 3, 2010

Manifesting and connecting with your inner wisdom.

In Quantum Physics, scientists talk about the power of thoughts and intentions to manifest whatever we desire. Movies like What the Bleep Do We Know, or the Secret talk about this; research studies like Messages of the Water, or The Intention Experiment prove it; and books like You Can Heal your Life or the Spiritual Warrior have shared this amazing gift we all possess.

It is easy to connect with this gift and easy to forget it too. Many things can distract us from connecting with the gift of manifesting positive things, especially when the majority of people around us is struggling in this economy. Many of us are feeling the stress and anxiety that lingers in the air and unknowingly take part of it, forgetting our ability to create what we desire. Perhaps we believe that we can't, that we are not capable enough, not young enough, not good enough, not smart enough, not beautiful enough, not whatever enough. And those beliefs turn into manifestation of what we carry inside.

But how to manifest positive things in the midsts of all this chaos?

By staying true to yourself and your purpose. In other words, do what you love with passion and fun.
At times we need to release what we've been holding on for so long in order to make room for the new. That includes our thoughts, limiting beliefs, attachments to material things, and expectations of what life should be like.

How many times have we heard about living in the present moment? This is also called releasing expectations and worries about the past or the future. It is called trusting. The present moment may be stripping us from all the comfort we thought we needed, it may be leaving us without a job, or may make us have a hard time paying the bills. However, the present moment is trying to show us that we need to change, that something inside us needs reworking and that we need to stop for a moment and be present in our lives.

Being without a job may lead us to rediscover our passion and have time to follow it. Not having enough money may help us appreciate the things we took for granted before and may push us to be resourceful and creative. Losing material things may help us release our attachments and connect deeper with our spirituality. All of these things can help us realize that perhaps we were living in fear and that we need to love ourselves more. These tough lessons move us to change our limiting beliefs and expand, reach out for help, learn to receive and give, and love deeper.

We can connect with the gift of manifesting by working on our limiting beliefs, being in the present moment, following our intuition, love more, following our passion, and taking the time to connect with your inner wisdom.

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